Monday, December 10, 2012

A tribute.

Religion is a subject that many people don’t talk about for various reasons. For some people, religion and their beliefs are something that they consider sacred. For others, religion represents hurt because of bad past experiences. For me, I don’t believe in religion. I am a follower of the Lord and Son of GOD, Jesus Christ. I have seen many things that people do not believe in, and a few things that have expanded my mind. I have dealt with demon possessed people, I have seen and experienced miracles, I have been in “haunted” houses, heard growling in empty rooms, and have seen a demon. I don’t say these things to brag. I say them only to preface my blog. For the next few weeks, I promise to bring you things that you don’t believe in a way that is non-threatening and non-eccentric. Ladies and gentlemen welcome to “The Other Side.”

This week’s issue is not an issue at all! It is a tribute and a testimony. I will be graduating in nine days, and I feel the need to tell you all exactly how I’ve gotten to this point. It has not been an easy road, but it has been a blessed road. Believe me, GOD has been involved

Coming out of high school, I had a 3.3 GPA; a 1330 SAT, 4 years of track and football under my belt, and had served in numerous organizations and on panels. I thought I was going to someone’s college for free. Much to my displeasure, I ended up getting turned down for over 20 colleges. I got accepted to one, but I didn’t feel right about it. I had decided in my mind that I wasn’t college material…

Let me back up a few months. In October of my senior year (2007), my mother lost her battle with the many diseases that plagued her body throughout my childhood years. I grew up taking care of my mother and learning as much as I could from her (she was a K-6 teacher). We often spoke about a wide variety of topics. She was my best friend. When she died, I was torn to pieces. Without my mother, I felt like nothing in life mattered. This was all during my senior year of high school.

Back to the story. My mother died at a time when I was supposed to be focusing on making my run for a football scholarship and boosting my GPA.  By the time I struggled through graduation and getting turned down for 20 schools, I didn’t have any intention of doing anything good with my life. I considered joining a gang, selling drugs, and/or murder for a while. I was not in a good place mentally at all!

Not to make light of this very real situation, I want to get to the real reason I am telling you all this story. Broken and with no intentions of good, I decided to talk to this GOD thing I had heard my mother talk about. I grew up in church, but all I ever saw was people yell, holler, and dance! I thought GOD was real, but only for my mother. I thought she just believed in something to keep her sane. In the middle of the night, in the house I grew up in, on the floor of my bedroom with the door locked, knelt, a boy with nowhere else to turn. I remember it like it was yesterday. I started talking to what seemed like myself. I was desperate. I challenged this GOD thing. I cried to HIM! “If you are real, I want to try you out”, I yelled. I told HIM that “my mother had always put trust in you” I told HIM that “If HE was good enough for my mother, I would at least give HIM a shot.” My life would never be the same. I cried myself to sleep that night, thinking to myself that HE wasn’t real and he didn’t hear me. I remember waking up that next morning feeling a little better. This was impossible to me. After months of feeling horrible, I felt better!?  I asked HIM if HE had done that. In HIS own way, I got a yes. Over those next couple of months, I started to build a personal relationship with my LORD and Savior Jesus Christ and his father, GOD. With all of the fake I had seen in church, I told HIM that I didn’t want to be churchy, I didn’t want the titles or the offices, I didn’t want the phony church mannerisms or voice, all I wanted was a real relationship. I got more than I asked for!

GOD truly blesses HIS children. Let’s say this, when I prayed to ask GOD to put me in school, I not only got accepted into Frostburg, a check came in the mail to pay for my education, and that’s telling the watered down version of this story. I will be graduating on DEC 19, and I can truly say that GOD has more than taken care of my every want and need whilst I've been here.

Anyone who reads this: I stress to you: TALK TO GOD FOR YOURSELF! I didn’t need any fancy robe, water, or privilege to call out to HIM! He really does exist, and he really can help! HE WANTS TO HEAR FROM YOU.

If you would like someone to pray for you or talk to you about anything, find me on FaceBook (Vince Morton Jr). I will.  

It has truly been a pleasure providing you all with engaging articles every week. I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have.

Friday, December 7, 2012

In the Immortal words of Bob Barker...

By Racheal Myers
It is the end of the semester, and I wanted to finish off my class blog the same way Bob Barker and Drew Carey finish off an episode of The Price is Right…HELP CONTROL THE PET POPULATION. HAVE YOUR PETS SPAYED AND NEUTERED!
Spaying (female) and neutering (male) your animals is an easy thing to do. Most veterinarians recommend getting the surgery performed when the animal is around 6 months of age. The surgery can take up to 45 minutes to do, depending on the size of the animal, and the species. A cat neuter takes about 5 minutes, while a large dog can take longer.  A neuter of any species can go home the same day, while a spay generally stays overnight, just so the doctors can monitor their behavior in the morning.
The cost of the surgery can vary, depending on several different factors. Anesthesia, which is the gas they use to keep the animals under while the surgery is being done, is the most expensive factor in any surgery. The more an animal weighs, the more anesthesia will be used. The price of a spay can be affected if a female is in heat, the animal version of a period. The blood vessels to the uterus are enlarged during this time, which makes tying them off more time consuming. The best time to get a female spayed is when they are not showing signs of being in heat.
Spaying and neutering your animals is a great way to ensure their quality of life down the road. A female that has not been spayed is in jeopardy of developing cancers, deadly uterine infections, and adding to the population of unwanted animals. Unneutered male dogs also have the risk of developing cancers and may become aggressive the longer his testosterone is affecting him. Unneutered animals also have a tendency to run way to find a mate (the scent of a female in heat travels up to 7 miles) which increases their chances of being lost, or hit by a car.
Many clinics and shelters offer low cost programs and clinics to help owners with spays and neuters. Call your local shelter for more information on such programs.

The Best Way to Spread Christmas Cheer...

The holiday season is upon us! With Thanksgiving in the rear view mirror, Christmas is the holiday of anticipation for many! From TV specials to grand attractions, there is so much to do in light of the most wonderful time of the year.

Jingle, Jangle, and poor little Vixen, The Year Without A Santa Claus

Coming to the big screen on December 21st is Cirque du Soleil's World's Away. This epic adventure is theater (astounding vocalists, acrobatics, intense musical compositions) and a heaping helping of movie magic, sending audience members on a fantastical journey. The heads behind this project are Academy Award-nominated director Andrew Adamson, and none other than James Cameron (writer and director of 2009's Avatar). As if this movie wasn't a must-see already, the creators added 3D effects to enhance the experience. This film (if it can be called that) should be on everyone's holiday to-do list! More information? Here you go.

Every year, families can always count on ABC Family (the television network) to spread the holiday spirit with its 25 Days of Christmas TV special. This Christmas special always begins December 1st and crests on Christmas day, December 25th. This tradition started in 1996, originally hosted by Fox's television network (ABC Family adopted the tradition in 2003). The network showcases a combination of original Christmas specials and Christmas classics for families to enjoy. How the Grinch Stole Christmas, I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus, Home Alone, and Elf, are just a few movies that make this Christmas special memorable. For a full list of movies and showtimes, go here.

This year the National Harbor brings back its popular ICE! attraction. This attraction recreates popular movies (such as Madagascar or The Grinch Who Stole Christmas) through crafted ice sculptures. The entire attraction is made of ice; Winter gear is a must for the igloo-like environment. The attraction also has cool features like an ice slide for the younger adventure seekers. The theme for the 2012-2013 holiday season is none other than the big, green ogre himself, Shrek. For more information, click here.

If all of this is too much excitement for you, simply lay back, enjoy the inviting spirit of Christmas, grab a cup of hot cocoa, and read a novel for entertainment.

All the best to you and yours during this wondrous holiday season.
Merry Christmas and have a happy and prosperous New Year!


Off Campus Amenities

When looking for an off campus living space, you should have an idea of what you want in the apartment.  I talked to a few students and came up with a list of amenities that are desired when looking for off campus housing in Frostburg.

1. Furniture- A lot of students do not want to buy furniture because it could get expensive and it has to be hauled off eventually.  Finding a fully furnished apartment isn't hard, but the furniture could be a little suspect, so it has to be cleaned before it's used.

2. Washer/Dryer- When living in the dorms students have the luxury of walking down the hall to do their laundry.  Some off campus spaces do not have a washer and dryer in the unit, but there is probably a shared one in the basement that costs to use.  Students desire an apartment that has a washer and dryer in the unit to avoid a hassle.

3. Storage Space- Nice sized closets are always good to have for those students who have a ton of clothes and shoes.  Also, since students travel here from home, they have totes and suitcases that need to be put somewhere during there stay here.  If the closets are small, it's likely that the students space will be cluttered because there would be nowhere to put anything.

These amenities are the ones that are valued the most.  They aren't in any order because they are all equally desired.  Having these items included in the rental save a lot of time, money, and space.  Now that you have an idea of what to look for, good luck!

Sexuality and Fashion: What I'll be Teaching My Children

I'm not sure if you have heard, but there are no straight men in fashion. The homosexuals flock to the runways and the dressing rooms, while the heterosexuals are content to buy their t-shirts out of a plastic-wrapped multipack. Only the most flamboyant among men can dare to be seen in bold colors and crazy prints. If you're a straight American male? Don't even think about it.

This discriminatory box has long been the accepted convention in American society. Straight men who take interest in their clothing must browse the shopping racks and fashion magazines very carefully lest rumors appear that they are someone that they are not. Further, I have gay friends with no interest at all in cardigans or bow-ties that lament having to live with the constant question: "If your gay, how come you don't dress nice?"

Despite the fact that this theory on sexuality and fashion still reigns, it does not seem to actually fit the true nature of men. Oscar de la Renta and Tommy Hilfiger are both straight male fashion designers. Lady-loving actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt rocks the fitted vest better than anybody. Straight male actor Ed Westwick, who plays straight male playboy Chuck Bass on The CW's Gossip Girl, has embraced virtually every color and pattern imaginable.   Are we finally understanding that sexuality and fashion are not congruent and consistant concepts? Are we finally accepting that, hey, maybe we can't fit entire groups of people into teeny tiny molds and conventions?
Pictured: (left) Gordon-Levitt (right) Westwick

It's hard to tell, because for every fierce fashion photo of a straight man, there are equally as many internet rebuttles and questions. For example, within ten seconds of searching for Ed Westwick on Google I was able to find link after link of people questioning his sexuality or links to him having to address gay rumors by reporters and interviewers. All because he knows how to properly fit a blazer!

So, returning to the question posed earlier in regards to the changes we can expect to see in our society, the answer (from me, at least) is that it is just to early to tell. But, certainly, I think we are beginning to shift in the right direction. I for one, will be teaching my children that men can be as fashionable, or as unfashionable, as they choose to be- regardless of their sexual orientation. Will you do the same? Maybe they can be friends with this forward-thinking little girl:

Frostburg Freshmen Feature of the Week: 12/3/12-12/7/12

A Final Farewell in Five Words or Less
By Scott McDonough, ENGL 490

This is the final freshman feature of the week, and a final farewell to all of you freshmen faithful for checking back week after week for all of your first-year needs. For this week, your fellow freshmen sound off in five words or less on Frostburg’s worst, Frostburg’s finest, and everything in between to highlight their first semester experience(s). Class of 2016, my final thanks and congratulations go to you for all of your support, and for making it through your first semester at FSU.  Anything you want to say in five words or less, Frostburg Freshmen,  the feature floor is all yours:

Kristina Elizabeth, Elementary Education: “Great friends and faculty.”
Joshua Dennard, Information Technology: “I learned so much.”
Enerel Orgil, Business Administration: “Chesapeake Hall food sucks.”
Amanda Scott, Undeclared: “Countless nights in the library.”
Matthew Lucido,  Fine Arts: “The day after the drink.”
Rather Not Be Named, Undeclared: “STD’s.”
Rachel Sherman, Geography: “I’m excited for next semester.”
Timothy Han, Music: “There is nothing to do here.”
Andrew Lupee, Recreation and Parks Management: “Great Rec and Parks Program.”
Amber Sampson, Fine Arts: “I Love FSU!”
Eric Klien, Sociology: “Go Bobcats!”
Reggie Miller, Accounting: “I’m transferring to UMD.”
Katherine Dudley, Undeclared: “Freshman Fifteen!”
Natalia Mellilo, Foreign Lanuages & Literature: “FSU Class of 2016 rocks!”
Nicholas Branic, English: “See you all next semester.”

Want more information on Frostburg State University's Class of 2016?
Visit my Twitter and Facebook for regular updates on all things concerning Frostburg's freshmen.

The Mad Hatter Quits, Stoners Break the Law, and Family Values Dissolve and Yet the World Continues to Spin

This week in politics: Republican Senator Jim DeMint announces his resignation, about a hundred people congregate outside of Seattle’s Space needle to break the law, and same-sex marriage licenses begin to be passed out.

Senator Jim DeMint, Republican Senator for South Carolina, announced yesterday that he would be stepping down as Senator to head the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank. DeMint said of his resignation, “I honestly believe that I can do a lot more on the outside than I can on the inside.” Although DeMint had always said that he would leave after two terms in the senate, this move comes especially as a surprise since his second term wasn’t up for another two years. Even stranger, for a TEA Party supporter, this move comes after the crushing loss the Republicans experienced on election night and the discussion of changing the GOP’s image began.

In Seattle, close to a hundred people came out to celebrate the passing of a law that allowed recreational marijuana use. Of course this law only makes it legal to possess an ounce of the drug and its use is only legal in the privacy of your own home. So, that means when the demonstrators started sparking up pipes and joints, they were in fact breaking the law. No one was arrested as police looked the other way, but it’s still funny in a sad way.

Finally, yesterday was the first day for same sex marriage licenses to be obtained in Maryland, who recently passed the law after much controversy and debate.  The law passed by a narrow margin in November, and hopefully the trend will continue through more states throughout the years.

This is our last beat assignment for the semester and I just want to thank you all for listening to my liberal leaning lectures, have a great winter break and I’ll see some of you back in the spring.

FSU to Increase Number of Friday Morning Classes

The Frostburg State University College of Business is planning to increase the number of Friday morning classes by 10 percent for the Fall 2013 semester to help stop Thursday night drinking. According to the Cumberland Times-News article that reported this, other colleges have done this and had positive results. But most FSU students seem to disagree with this initiative.

Senior Jessica Mensah stated, "I think people will go out regardless of having a morning class on Friday. The only way to lower drinking is maybe to close the bars on Thursdays...But I don't even think that will work."

Senior Felicia Muse also does not believe that this increase in Friday morning classes will lower drinking rates on "Thirsty Thursdays." She said, "It wouldn't stop me really, because if I want to go out I'll go out, no matter if I have a class on Friday or not. And I don't think it will lower the amount of people going out. It's a good idea to try, but overall it's probably just a waste." She also mentioned that this plan may just increase the number of hungover students in class or students that skip class frequently on Fridays.

I too do not believe that this plan will have its intended effect on students' drinking. Like Felicia said, students that really want to go out will go out, regardless of their schedule. I believe that if anything, students may just begin drinking earlier in an effort to go to sleep at an earlier time to make it to class in the morning. I also do not believe it is fair that the school seems to be trying to almost force students to take Friday morning classes. Some students don't drink and simply prefer to have Fridays off. Many students try to take more once-a-week night classes and more Tuesday/Thursday classes just to have a shorter school week, regardless of how much they drink. I think that if students want a three day weekend every week, they should have the right to be able to do so. Of course, every student will not end up with an early morning class on Fridays based on a 10 percent increase in the classes offered, but if FSU continues to increase the number of Friday morning classes in an effort to curb Thursday night drinking, it is possible that in the future Friday morning classes will become inescapable. Only time will tell if this initiative works and if Frostburg decides to continue on with this in coming years.

The End is Near By Julian E. Gates

The last week of the 2012 fall semester, is ending and the holidays are approaching quickly. Therefore, for the final posting of the nightlife blog; the topic discussed will be ideas of nightlife activities that future FSU students can do. First, let us review every nightlife activity posted on the blog. There was the Thursday night at the Diamond Lounge, the poetry slam at the mountain traditional arts center, professional saxophonist Matt Corey performed in Lane, we saw a fraternity decorate the streets of Frostburg and finally the 5 dollar special offered at cinemas 1 2 3 was featured. All of these activities are fun, safe, cheap, and guaranteed to be a good time. Although these nightlife activities are great, Frostburg offers many more activities that I did not have time to cover. For that, reason as stated earlier thanks to provides the list of activities to do in the near future. 

The website has a page titled “101 things to do in Frostburg.” A number of listings only include daytime activities such as biking but if you read more closely, an individual can find many activities to do at nighttime.  For example, the site lists bowling alleys. Although they it is not in Frostburg, the bowler is located in lavale and it offers cyber bowling that is offered Saturday nights at 10:00 pm.  Other ideas that can work for the spring semester because of weather conditions would be grabbing a blanket and watching the stars.  Other activities include stress busters at the Lane center before finals week.  The list goes on and it provides a wide range of exciting things to do while class is in session. Make sure you check out the link here ( and see the list.

            Whatever you choose to do in the nightlife of Frostburg be safe and always remember to be a student first. Moreover, never drink and drive!

Merry Christmas!

Are You Afraid of the Dark?

My roommate noticed that in our room the television is never really off unless we leave the room for long periods of time. We even sleep with the television on, naps included. So, I decided that we should sleep with the television to help save energy. This suggestion lasted for less than 15 minutes. Both of us realized that it was simply impossible to attempt to fall asleep without the television on. Which left me wondering why?
Then it clicked to me that maybe I’m not used to sleeping with the TV on but the creepy, eerie, silence that being in the dark  brings, brings me a huge discomfort. I am openly admitting that as a twenty year old young adult that I am afraid of the dark.
I asked my roommate, Cheyenne Bhutan, if my theory on being afraid of the dark could be a possibility to our sleeping habit with the TV and she said “ I've never thought about it like that but yeah I am”. Now, Cheyenne is highly paranoid person and is easily frighten person. When asked why she couldn’t sleep without the TV on she replied “In the dark, I feel like there could be something coming out of my closet and my eyes start to imagine things are coming towards me”. I completely agree with her. In the dark, I start to imagine things like my towel on my door is a ghost.
Our fears of the dark made me question are we the only ones who are afraid of the dark. The answer to that is no we aren't  A recent study, done by the Ryerson University in Toronto showed that nearly half of the participants admitted being afraid of the dark which has lead them to have poor sleeping habits. What the study concluded was that insomniacs could possibly have the fears that tend to keep them up actually root from the fear of the dark. The good news is that the fear of the dark is curable with the help of behavioral therapy. Though, I doubt that either of us are going to do that. 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Staying healthy during the holidays

The holidays are coming up, and in less than a couple weeks, Frostburg students will be back home for Winter break. While it can be easy to let yourself go, divulging in tons of Christmas cookies and staying cuddled up on the couch watching movies for half the break, you will probably regret overeating and laziness if you end up gaining some unwanted weight. To avoid falling into an unhealthy routine this Winter break, consider following this guideline:

When it comes to meals:
Use low-fat dairy products in cooking. Use skim milk and 2% cheese, and you’ll ditch some of the calories that the whole fat products have.
Fill your plate up with more vegetables than carbs and meat. Fresh vegetables are preferable to canned ones.
Stick with whole wheat/grains instead of white bread. Your body will thank you for the added fiber.
Get a little of everything. You know, rather than a lot of everything. For a variety of nutrients and minerals, "eat your rainbow"/eat a variety of fruits and vegetables.
Eat slowly! You’re probably ravenous from eating college food, but take this time to catch up with your family and friends. While you’re doing that, your brain will have time to catch up with your stomach.
Reconsider seconds if you know you have had enough already. And definitely reconsider thirds.
Watch your alcohol intake. This is less about meals and more about calories. Remember that many alcoholic drinks are packed with calories, so drink responsibly - and moderately.

When it comes to exercise:
Get outside. Not everyone is a snow person, but you don’t necessarily have to play in it. Bundle up and go for a jog or long walk. Make sure you get at least half an hour of cardio every day.
Join a gym. Some gyms have trial periods, which are perfect if you don’t want to commit to a certain number of months, or if you would have to pay a membership cessation fee.
Watch workout videos. You can buy some, or just find someon YouTube.
Develop a floor workout routine. Pushups, sit-ups, etc. can be done anywhere., and you’d be surprised the kind of exercises you can do in your home. Check out some other floor workouts here and here.
Go shopping. Whether you’re buying anything or not, malls during the holidays can be a lot of fun, and they can be a good place to catch up with friends from back home.

There are plenty of things you can do to keep yourself in check this holiday break. A little laziness and splurging never hurt anyone, but make sure you don't develop an unhealthy routine that will be hard to kick once you get back to school. 

Happy holidays!

Uncommon ingredients such as pork belly should be embraced

Some home cooks tend to shy away from cooking novel cuisine, effectively binding themselves to the confines of foods and techniques that are familiar. That’s a shame. Many of the cooks I've spoken with cite fear of failure as the main reason they are hesitant to work with unfamiliar ingredients. Mistakes are okay--and even necessary--to make as they facilitate growth as a cook. Simple mistakes are avoided by remaining calm. Start from the beginning, give the dish some thought and planning for some hours or maybe days beforehand, and examine the steps involved. Cooking is not brilliance and magic, as many people tend to think, but rather is a methodical process that requires patience and understanding.

One of my favorite commonly underutilized ingredients is pork belly. Though many American families eat bacon every morning (made from pork belly), that seems to be the extent of America’s exposure to the ingredient. Bacon is cured, smoked, and thinly-sliced pork belly. The raw product is far more versatile. Chinese cuisine commonly features braised pork belly, but unfortunately with the exception of crock pot recipes and authentic barbecue, braising has become a seldom used cooking technique in American cuisine.

Braising can be used to render just about any part of an animal edible. Applying heat to a product serves to break down the connective tissue. Collagen breaks down into gelatin, an irreversibly hydrolyzed form of the protein. Braising also softens the lean protein and renders fat out of a product. To make a cut of pork belly palatable, I typically braise it in aromatics, cut into 3x6 rectangles, score and then sear fat side down in oil. The result is an extremely flavorful cut of pork where the fat is as crispy as bacon and the lean portions are tender enough to eat with a spoon.
Whole pork belly that has been scored, studded with clove, and braised with mirepoix, cinnamon, and orange peel for three hours
Though some cooks tend to take a minimalist approach to serving pork belly in order to accentuate the meat, it can also be served with a variety of sauces or flavorings:

Chef Tylor Dinteman’s pork belly appetizer featured at Savage River Lodge is braised with mirepoix and herbs, seared to golden brown, and served atop shredded sour red cabbage. The acid from the red wine vinegar used to cook the cabbage cuts through the flavor of the fat on the pork belly, effectively make the dish an upscale take on the tradition pork and sauerkraut combination.
Braised and seared pork belly served over shredded sour red cabbage
Asian pork belly dishes are fairly common. Asian styles are typically served with the rind or skin still attached to the fat cap. Asian pork belly also differs in that it is usually seared first, then braised with scallions, fresh ginger slices, soy sauce, and rice wine or sake. An accompanying sauce can be constructed by reducing the braising liquid.
Chinese steamed pork belly over braised mustard greens
At a party I recently catered, I braised pork belly with cloves, orange peels, bay leaves, and cinnamon. I seared 2x2 cubes fat-side down in a cast iron skillet for 25 minutes, then plated the pork belly atop lentils and finished the dish with a spiced orange gastrique. A gastrique is made with caramelized sugar and vinegar, then flavored with an ingredient of the cook’s choice. In this case, I reduced orange juice, cider vinegar, and brown sugar with juniper berries, bay leaves, mustard seed, peppercorns, cloves, allspice, and cinnamon. The reduction was strained and used as a glaze to finish the dish.
Braised and seared pork belly over lentils with a spiced orange gastrique
One of my favorite pork belly dishes is simplistic in construction but bold in flavor. While I was working under Tylor Dinteman, then Sous-chef at Rocky Gap Lodge, he constructed a braised and seared pork belly with melted gorgonzola, garnished with a lemon-dressed microgreen salad.

It is worth noting that one does not have to braise raw pork belly in order to make it palatable. Home cured pancetta is one of the most fulfilling projects a cook might immerse themselves in. Likewise, homemade bacon is just as satisfying to make. Last May, I cured and smoked jalapeno bacon at home. My friend and fellow cook Joshua Herrell cured a red miso bacon that is absolutely phenomenal.

Two Ways to Help Improve your Shopping Experience this Holiday Season!

While I'm torn about this blog post due to the fact that I've always been someone who believes presents really ruin the spirit of the holiday season, the fact is that people will be going shopping and buying presents. So since it's going to happen regardless, you might as well save some time and money, right?

One of the most frustrating things EVER (in my humble opinion) is buying something from one store, walking into the next and finding a very similar item on sale for much cheaper. helps resolve this problem. This handy website is a frugal persons Mecca. It has everything from coupons, to hot deals, to a weekly circular section. This website is very easy to maneuver, so spend 10 minutes before you head out to look at the circulars for the stores you had planned on stopping by and find out which places are having the best deals so you don't miss getting that nice fleece on Mom's list that's 50% off this week only!

Another thing that you'll find amazing is Best Buy's best-kept-secret. Best Buy has been hurting recently with more and more people shopping online and getting much better deals at online vendors. To counteract this Best Buy is now price matching with Besides the fact that this will probably end up hurting Best Buy in the long run, it is AWESOME for you, take advantage of it while you can. If you have a smart phone, download the Amazon App that comes with a barcode scanner and start scanning every item before you buy it and find the cheapest price you can on Amazon, if it's the exact same and it's sold by, Best Buy will match the price then and there.

So now you'll be saving some time & money, now get back and enjoy the Holiday Season with family and friends!

SURVEY UPDATE: Over half of FSU students surveyed have had sex in a dorm room!

                                                Survey Update
                                               by: Neil Ralph

I updated my survey by adding questions and asking more people to take it.  50 students were surveyed still about 50% said they were sexually active at Frostburg. About 50% of the students surveyed claimed they had sex in a dorm room. I added the survey question "what is their favorite way to notify their roommate that they're having sex?" The most popular answer was that they don't notify their roommate at all! Also, as expected, condoms are the way most FSU students stay protected!

Travel Apps for the Technology Equipped Traveler

By: Caitlin Megonigal
So I travel a lot with my family and when you’re in a place that you have never been before finding a good local restaurant or finding your hotel can be tricky. Luckily we are in the age of technology so you can do and find practically anything with just the touch of a button. Below I have come up with a list of the top travel apps for the everyday traveler.

My favorite application is a total revelation for those with small bladders (like my mother) or those like me who appreciate a nice clean bathroom. The app is called SitOrSquat by Charmin! So how this site work is that you can search wherever you are and find the closest bathroom to where you are. The best part is that the app allows you to rate each bathroom either Sit or Squat so that you are not unpleasantly surprised by a nasty bathroom.

The second most important app that every traveler should have is Google Maps! Google Maps is available on every smartphone and most web phones. You can never get lost with this app at your side! Google Maps can show you where you are, where anything else is and how to get from one point to another. If you have never used Google Maps before watch this tutorial on how to utilize this tool.

TripIt and TripCase are both “travel management” programs. These apps allow you to track things like flight conformation numbers, hotel confirmation numbers. TripCase does the same thing as TripIt but with few more awesome advantages. TripCase continually updates you on your flight, tells you what gate to go to and will even suggest alternate flights if you miss yours.  Both of these apps are available on the Blackberry, Windows Mobile and the iPhone. Another great app is the free WiFi finder, especially when traveling internationally. Free WiFi can be slow though so also consider renting from This website will allow you to pay a flat rate of $15 per day and you can use all the apps you want without having to worry about roaming fees. 

Friday, November 30, 2012

What Not to Feed Your Pets.

By Racheal Myers
It is the holiday season, and as students, you are probably headed home for winter break to spend time with the family, which may include members of the four-legged variety. As you cozy up around your traditional holiday icon (Christmas tree, menorah, etc.), and share in home cooked meals, please remember that your families pets cannot have the same foods as you. Here is a list of the things that your favorite cat or dog should not be eating:
Alcoholic beverages:
Can cause intoxication, coma, and death.
Bones from fish, poultry, or other meat sources:
            Can cause obstruction or laceration of the digestive system.
Chocolate, coffee, tea, and other caffeine:
Can be toxic and affect the heart and nervous systems.
Citrus oil extracts:
 Can cause vomiting.
Fat trimmings:
 Can cause pancreatitis.
Grapes and raisins:
 Contain an unknown toxin, which can damage the kidneys.
Unknown compound causes panting, increased heart rate, elevated temperature, seizures, and death.
Human vitamin supplements containing iron:
Can damage the lining of the digestive system and be toxic to the other organs including the liver and kidneys.
Large amounts of liver:
 Can cause Vitamin A toxicity, which affects muscles and bones.
Macadamia nuts:
Contain an unknown toxin, which can affect the digestive and nervous systems and muscle.
 Can depress the nervous system, cause vomiting, and changes in the heart rate.
Milk and other dairy products:
Some adult dogs and cats do not have sufficient amounts of the enzyme lactase, which breaks down the lactose in milk. This can result in diarrhea. Lactose-free milk products are available for pets.
Can contain toxins, which may affect multiple systems in the body, cause shock, and result in death.
Onions and garlic (raw, cooked, or powder):
Contain sulfoxides and disulfides, which can damage red blood cells and cause anemia.Cats are more susceptible than dogs. Garlic is less toxic than onions.
Persimmons Seeds:
 Can cause intestinal obstruction and enteritis.
Pits from peaches and plums:
 Can cause obstruction of the digestive tract.
Potato, rhubarb, and tomato leaves; potato and tomato stems:
Contain oxalates, which can affect the digestive, nervous, and urinary systems. This is more of a problem in livestock.
Raw eggs:
Contain an enzyme called avidin, which decreases the absorption of biotin (a B vitamin). This can lead to skin and hair coat problems. Raw eggs may also contain Salmonella.
 Raw fish:
Can result in a thiamine (a B vitamin) deficiency leading to loss of appetite, seizures, and in severe cases, death. More common if raw fish is fed regularly.
 If eaten in large quantities it may lead to electrolyte imbalances.
Sugary foods:
 Can lead to obesity, dental problems, and possibly diabetes mellitus.
Contains nicotine, which affects the digestive and nervous systems. Can result in rapid heart beat, collapse, coma, and death.
Yeast dough:
Can expand and produce gas in the digestive system, causing pain and possible rupture of the stomach or intestines.
If the situation should arise where an animal is fed these foods, and becomes distressed, a veterinarian or poison control center should be contacted. The number for poision control is:  
888-232-8870  (TOLL FREE)
  For anyone who may not know, the poison control number charges you $35. This goes to pay the vet in case of a phone consult. If you ever have to call, make sure to have credit card ready.

Have a safe and happy holiday!

Frostburg Freshmen Feature of the Week: 11/26/12-11/30/12

The Final Countdown: Preparing for Finals
By Scott McDonough, ENGL 490

It's the final countdown to the end of your first semester at FSU. Just a week and some change until we all get a much needed break. Then, you can come back as a freshman and a half with one semester under your belt. Unfortunately, the final countdown to the end of the semester is going to seem like a drag, and that's because the final countdown to the end of the semester means preparing for finals.

Some students prepare for finals in one big overnight(s) bender--not very efficient. Other students prepare for finals by trading sleep and food in exchange for mountain dew, red bull, and Adderall to help them get through a mean study session--not very healthy. Some students put everything off until the last minute, then end up having to improvise with little to no preparation, and hope they're lucky wings will be strong enough to carry them through--not very smart.

If you've been a wise FSU freshmen who heeds the advice of the Frostburg Freshmen Feature of the week, however, then you will have already learned effective study habits as covered in "Effective Study Habits, Tried & True From Us To You." Well, those same study habits still apply here, but these few specific tips have been specifically tailored just for final exam preparation, and will make your first final countdown as an FSU student as smooth as possible:

Early birds get the worm.
The better prepared you are for all of your finals, the better off you'll be . It's not possible to cram an entire unit of information into an all-night study session no matter how many red bulls you drink, and it's just not very smart or healthy for that matter. And it's good to be healthy FSU freshmen. So, get started at least a week before the exam, more if you can. It's much easier to break down your final exam preparation into manageable units that are easier to tackle one by one than it is to take the whole load at once. You won't be so overwhelmed with stress, and you'll have time to catch a good night's sleep and a healthy breakfast before acing your exam...a good day's work from a week(s) preparation.

Organize, organize, and organize.
You have a nice head start with plenty of time before finals to get good and prepared. To break down your final exam preparation into manageable units, start by making yourself a calendar that organizes a daily schedule covering certain topics for review. With a schedule, you'll have a plan of action in which you can cover small amount of material each day. Additionally, you can focus on what you have to study each day without having to worry about what you'll be studying tomorrow until tomorrow.
You have a nice head start with plenty of time before finals to get good and prepared, and you're organized with a study schedule. Next, it is time to actually start studying. As you go along each day in your schedule, make outlines as to what you have studied by writing a brief summary for each topic in your schedule. Take notes on what you know by heart and what you need to study a bit more. This way, you will have an outline to go along with your schedule which you can go back to for review any time you want. Flashcards can be a very effective tool in creating an outline as you can review important information rapidly, repeatedly, and you can take them with you on the go to get some studying done while waiting in line for food at Lane.

Catch up on your zzzz's.
You have a nice head start with plenty of time before finals to get good and prepared, you're organized with a study schedule, and you have an outline to review. You wouldn't want all this preparation to go to waste, and you want to use your brain at its full power during your final exam, so you'll need to catch up on your zzzz's and get an adequate amount of sleep. Try catching close to eight hours for a good night's sleep. At the very least, you'll need at least seven hours of sleep a night to function at full capacity. If you are sleep-deprived, your cognitive processes will be slow, you won't remember anything you studied, and all your hard work and preparation will have been for naught, so catch up on your zzzz's you worked so hard to cram into your brain.
Keep calm and carry on.
You have a nice head start with plenty of time before finals to get good and prepared, you're organized with a study schedule, an outline to review, and you're well rested. Unfortunately, you may still be stressing out about your final exams, especially if your study schedule and outlines might as well be full-on textbooks. Don't panic! Keep calm and carry on. Relax and breathe, it goes a long way. Don't let yourself become overwhelmed by a hard question or two, just move on to answer the questions you do know and come back later. Final exams are hard, but you'll be well prepared, so don't fret.
Take it easy after the exam.
You have a nice head start with plenty of time before finals to get good and prepared, you're organized with a study schedule, an outline to review, and you're well rested and relaxed. You'll do just fine, but even after it's all over it's quite common to worry about how you did on your exam. Did you answer that question correctly? Did you get the topics mixed up? Is your answer thorough enough? It's easy to worry after the exam, but remember, it's all over and turned in. No amount of worrying will change anything, so quit worrying about whether or not you failed miserably on the exam. Odds are that you did much better than you think. You prepared as well as you could, gave it your all, and have been through a long enough semester. Clear your mind for your next exams, and take it easy. Once the final countdown is over, it’s over,  and it's time to enjoy your break.

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                                       Movies at the Burg By: Julian E. Gates
As the semester is ending, students are getting busy.  Homework is starting to pile up, exam dates are coming faster than expected, and the list does not stop.  Students with busy academic lives need time to relax, and not just on the weekend.  Monday night I went to the Frostburg cinemas 123 to see if Frostburg students went to the movies for fun.   I chose Monday because the theatre offers a deal, which includes five dollars and a free bag of popcorn to any movie!  Usually tickets are 8.75 for adults and 5.75 for children.  With such, a great deal I was surprised at the low attendance.  Students were actually scarce to find.  The majority of customers were elderly citizens.  Perhaps the movies being played had an influence on the turn out.  The life of Pi is a movie playing about an Indian teenager and his voyage at sea with an adult Bengal tiger.  The other movie was titled The Sessions.  The Sessions tells the story of a man confined to an iron lung who is determined at age 38 to lose his virginity. With the help of the guidance of his priest, he sets out to achieve his goal.    Both movies seemed interesting but not interesting enough for FSU students to come watch.  Another factor that could discourage students from going to the movies is condition the theatre is kept.  The lobbies of the cinemas are small, but still have room for a concession stand.  Unfortunately there were no discounts on the snacks other than popcorn.  In addition to the size of the lobby and concession, the popcorn did not seem fresh and there was not a big amount made.  Overall movies as a late night activity do not seem popular but is convenient to the wallet and can be enjoyable. However, students have no control on what plays, therefore the population of the crowd depends on the movie.   Also, the theatre only shows three movies and if a selected film (Pi) has a 3d version, then two theatres will play that movie.  Moreover if the movie is in three d the ticket is an additional three dollar charge even on Mondays. 

Frostburg Cinemas 123 does provide a website that gives show times and dates for movies.   If you need a cheap activity to do in Frostburg check out cinemas 123 Monday nights!