Thursday, December 6, 2012

Travel Apps for the Technology Equipped Traveler

By: Caitlin Megonigal
So I travel a lot with my family and when you’re in a place that you have never been before finding a good local restaurant or finding your hotel can be tricky. Luckily we are in the age of technology so you can do and find practically anything with just the touch of a button. Below I have come up with a list of the top travel apps for the everyday traveler.

My favorite application is a total revelation for those with small bladders (like my mother) or those like me who appreciate a nice clean bathroom. The app is called SitOrSquat by Charmin! So how this site work is that you can search wherever you are and find the closest bathroom to where you are. The best part is that the app allows you to rate each bathroom either Sit or Squat so that you are not unpleasantly surprised by a nasty bathroom.

The second most important app that every traveler should have is Google Maps! Google Maps is available on every smartphone and most web phones. You can never get lost with this app at your side! Google Maps can show you where you are, where anything else is and how to get from one point to another. If you have never used Google Maps before watch this tutorial on how to utilize this tool.

TripIt and TripCase are both “travel management” programs. These apps allow you to track things like flight conformation numbers, hotel confirmation numbers. TripCase does the same thing as TripIt but with few more awesome advantages. TripCase continually updates you on your flight, tells you what gate to go to and will even suggest alternate flights if you miss yours.  Both of these apps are available on the Blackberry, Windows Mobile and the iPhone. Another great app is the free WiFi finder, especially when traveling internationally. Free WiFi can be slow though so also consider renting from This website will allow you to pay a flat rate of $15 per day and you can use all the apps you want without having to worry about roaming fees. 

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