Wednesday, October 26, 2011


The festivities of Halloween are coming to town this weekend, and the plans and thoughts on the holiday are as similiar as they are diverse.
Frostburg Alumnus Matthew George will be attending a friend's party, dressed as the Marvel superhero, Hawkeye. And that will be his favorite part, as it has been since he was a child, creating another year's awesome costume.
Arthur Natishan, a Senior History major from Annapolis will be changing a lot, but almost not at all. He's going as Arthur from "The Tick," and will almost certainly enjoy being on a first name basis with every new person he meets. He'll be making his way to some parties with his friends to enjoy some time off.
Guinevere Norman, a Senior History major from Elkton, writes that she'll be attending a friend's party with some very cheesy decorations. As she has done in the past, she'll be a Starfleet officer, enjoying her favorite activity of the holiday, "listening to people pretend they know about samhain/all hallows eve."
Sounds like Halloween.

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