Monday, November 7, 2011

Beating Stress

This time of year, midterms have just passed and everyone is winding down for the end of the semester...or gearing up. Stress is at an all-time high as students worry about their grades or graduation this December. All around, they're ready for it to be over. Frostburg sent our an e-mail to its students this weekend about beating stress that I've reposted below.

Stress is a type of mental illness that cumulates into Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). This is characterized by extreme worry or anticipation of disaster. Say, for example, you have 3 papers due at the end of the week and a million other things going on too. Some signs and symptoms includ, but are not limited too: worrying accompanied by fatigue, headaches, trembling, twitching, muscles aches / pains, irritability, sweating. GAD can lead to even more serious problems liks sleeplessness and thoughts of suicide, delusions and paranoia.

College life at FSU is not all fun and parties—declaring a major, taking upper-level classes, internships, work and building your resume can take a lot out of you.Do you have helpful strategies for dealing with the anxiety that comes with college? There are resources to help you take control and feel confident in starting your life!
Believe it or not, you don't have to be constantly stressed out in college. Read on for important tips on how to deal:
Balance school and a job
Manage your time better
Stop procrastinating now
Get rid of test anxiety
Speak in public without freaking out Not only that, but there are tons of offices and resources on campus where you can find FREE help on campus!
The Center for Advising and Career Services is a hub of information on how to decide on what it is you want to do with your degree.
Is the stress getting out of control? Talk to a counselor for FREE at Counseling and Psychological Services.
The Writing and Tutoring Center has FREE college tutors to help get those grades under control.
Not sure where to go for help? The Student & Educational Services Office is available to get you where you need to be. You're not in this alone.Feeling a little better now? We thought so!For more information on being a healthy Bobcat, check out CHILL at or "like" us on Facebook at
Stress TestA little bit of stress in your life is normal. But if your stress level is skyrocketing, it could have a negative impact on your college experience. Find out:
If adjusting to college has got you stressed
If you're on the brink of a burnout
How to cope with everyday stress
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I asked some students what they do to help beat stress. Marissa Aronhalt, a psychology major here at FSU says, "Workout, exercises make me feel better. Oh and hot showers like after studying helps with stress too ."

"Taking breaks.. I can't study for something all at once. So spreading things out," says Laura Schroyer, a fine Arts Major at Garrett College.

"Massages, evening away from campus and having drinks with friends, tanning," says Jennifer George, studying radiological science at the University of Charleston.

Stress doesn't have to beat you, beat it!

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