Tuesday, November 29, 2011

LSAT Exam Offered at FSU

The LSAT, Law School Admission Test, will be offered at Frostburg State University on Saturday, Feb. 12, 2012, in Dunkle Hall, Room 218. Interested students should register by Tuesday, January 10 by regular mail, online, or by telephone. To register online, visit www.lsac.org.

Spencer Deakin and Scott Johnson will be proctors for the exam. Other locations for the LSAT include Morgantown, WV and various locations in Baltimore. Registration fee for the exam is $139, but students must also pay $124 to join Credential Assembly Service for their LSAT score, letters of recommendation, and transcripts to be processed and sent to their prospective law schools. The total fee, therefore, is $263. Fees may be waivered for qualifying students, based on financial need. Visit http://www.lsac.org/JD/LSAT/fee-waivers.asp, but hurry because the deadline for fee waivers is early December. Late registration, which entails a $68 late fee, is January 20.

For questions about the LSAT, e-mail Scott Johnson at sjohnson@frostburg.edu call x7432, or stop by his office at Guild 137.

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