You may find it interesting, considering recent events off campus, that a research project is being conducted on the neighborhoods surrounding FSU. Kathleen Powell, a resident of Frostburg and a social work student at the University of Maryland in Baltimore working on her doctorate, is studying specifically the “intergroup relations and the culture of campus-adjacent neighborhoods”. Reason's for her researched are stated below:
Research on campus-adjacent neighborhoods is lacking in spite of the unique characteristics of these neighborhoods.
An increasing number of college students are living off-campus in nearby neighborhoods.
Campus-adjacent neighborhoods are being targeting for development by private investors, city governments, and universities.
Residents and property owners in campus-adjacent neighborhoods must negotiate norms in spite of the fact that they share neither common attachment to place nor the same sense of community.
Residents of campus-adjacent neighborhoods come from diverse backgrounds and can offer insights about ways to build alliances across these differences.
I received this information from Dr. Moore who was given posters to hand out to interested students. However, these posters are not just informative but also have another agenda which concerns gaining interviewees. If you are one of the following:
Year-round resident of the campus-adjacent neighborhoods.
College student living in the campus-adjacent neighborhoods.
Pastor of a church located in the campus-adjacent neighborhoods.
Realtor who lists properties in the campus-adjacent neighborhoods.
City or university official
Then Ms. Powell would love the opportunity to interview you! The interviews are 1 to 2 hours long and consist of questions on your neighborhood experiences. To further entice readers who are applicable to be interviewed, Ms. Powell will hand you a one-time payment of $20.00 at the end of the interview. For those who feel uneasy about meeting with Ms. Powell, don't worry, the study is legitimate and has been approved by the IRB.
I have signed up for an interview myself so on Tuesday at 4pm Ms. Powell will be visiting me. If she approves, I'll update this story with what we talked about.
If you would like to help Ms. Powell out with her research and get paid 20 dollars then you can email her at
or call
The Bottom Line has interviewed Ms. Powell. To read the full article, “One Foot in the Community, One Foot in the University”, visit the Bottom Line Online:
Also, The Cumberland Times News has covered her story. To read the full article visit the Cumberland Times News:
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