Thursday, October 4, 2012

Young People Battles

Many of us have struggled with hardships and have made it through but for some it’s not that easy. Some seek a permanent solution for a temporary problem. Suicide has become the third leading cause of death for young people. People who are battling with suicide do not realize that they are options.

In the rising number of suicides in recent years, there has been an increase in outreach organizations. Just last month was Suicide Prevention Week, which was held on September 9 through the 15th. The purpose of the prevention week is to help bring awareness and to educate those who are battling with suicidal thoughts. The one thing that people struggling with suicide need to understand that what they are going through will end and they’ll survive it. 

Most suicidal young people likely suffer from depression. According to SAVE, a suicide awareness organization said that almost 90% of the people who die by suicide have an existing mental illness or substance abuse problem at the time of their death. Other warning signs that a person might be considering suicide are giving away prized possessions, extreme mood swings, talking about feeling hopeless, calling people to say goodbye.

If you know someone who are showing these signs or you are personally feeling this way please contact the Frostburg State University’s Counseling Center. Other organizations are ULifeLine, National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, and The TrevorProject


  1. Jackie, what's your source for "the third leading cause of death for young people"? Also, does that mean in the United States?

  2. "According to SAVE, a suicide awareness organization said that almost 90% of the people ..."

    You mean: "According to SAVE, a suicide awareness organization, almost 90% of the people ..."

    Or: "SAVE, a suicide awareness organization, said that almost 90% of the people ..."
