Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Student's Plans for Halloween

Halloween is normally classified by society as a holiday for children, but college students also know how to dress up and enjoy the festivities.

Rachel DeWoody, from Rockville, is a senior mass communications major at Frostburg State University and has some plans for Halloween. "I'm going to a few Halloween parties before & after the actual day (of Halloween)," said DeWoody. For one of these parties she will dressing up in 80's style clothing, while she is not sure what else she will be dressed up as. As for her favorite part of the holiday DeWoody said,"My favorite part is candy, of course."

Dillon Muise is from Frederick and is a junior political science major at FSU. His plans for this weekend a pretty simple. He plans to go to a party and dress up as a cowboy. As for his outfit, he will be wearing a cowboy hat and cowboy boots. Muise's favorite thing about Halloween is the dressing up.

Jess Mill is a senior accounting major at Penn State University, and her hometown is Kent Island. Although Mill is not the biggest fan of Halloween, she does still have some plans for the weekend. Mill and her boyfriend will going to a party at an apartment dressed up as peanut butter and jelly. This could be a sticky combination. She does not have a favorite part of Halloween.

These three college students certainly seem to have some interesting plans for Halloween weekend. What are your plans?

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