Friday, November 30, 2012

Saving money on a night out

Let me start by saying that basically the best way to cut your alcohol expenses, is to chose to read a book instead; since drinking often leads to poor decision making which leads to spending a lot of money. But let’s be real. You’re going out.

So how can you save the most money on your adventurous night out? Here are a couple of ideas:

  1. Drink before you head out. In a college town it’s called “pre-gaming” in grown up world it’s called a social gathering. Buying booze from a liquor store is much less exciting, but if you buy a big bottle it will last you many pre-nights out and you will most likely not feel the need to buy as many drinks when you finally hit the bars. (You may even choose not to go out after you’ve been drinking)
  2. Find the bars that have the cheapest prices. If you don’t mind the atmosphere, you should I always find the bar that makes your drink of choice available at the cheapest price, it only makes sense. If you have to go have some drinks at the cheap place and then go to the bar with the best dance floor once you are slowing your drinking pace!
  3. Limit the amount of money you even take out with you. A tab may sound like a convenient idea, but there are so many terrible things that can happen by opening a tab. A bartender can add drinks that aren’t yours to your tab by mistake, you could forget to close it at the end of the night (many bars charge a higher than average tip percentage if you forget to close at the end of the night), you could buy far more drinks than you realized, and those are just a few. Take cash with you, most of the times there is a cash bar so you can probably get drinks faster by using this tip too!
  4. Figure out which bar is having the best specials that night. If you’re a lady most bars have a ladies night where drinks are half price, take advantage of those bars on those nights. Sometimes bars will have beer specials, but bars always have liquor and shot specials because they generally cost more and will lower your money spending inhibitions.

So now you’re armed and ready to have a great night out while watching what you spend.

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