Friday, November 9, 2012

The Tea Party is over...

The election is over, and the people have decided to give their president another 4 years in office. It’s been a long process that began way back in 2011 with the beginning of the Republican primaries. What a wonderful time that was, filled with Ron Pauls and Herman Cains, and for some reason Michelle Bachman. But now it’s over, and the Republicans and conservatives are left scratching their heads. They blame the minorities and the welfare recipients. They blame the liberal indoctrination of schools. To a very small degree they blame the candidates. So far, everything that isn’t wrong with the Republican Party is their steadfast hold to outdated conservative ideals.
This has been a race that shifted from talking about the economy then veering over into an argument for the early 1900’s. The Republicans got called out of touch and uncaring about the common man. Their Candidate heard these accusations and responded by explaining to his supporters that almost half of us don’t really matter anyway. Rather than condemning him for his remarks, they cheered him for it and the only critique was he should have said we all suck in a more polite manner. Finally, in a Hail Mary play, Romney did the one thing to make him a more likeable presidential candidate and just agreed with what the president said.
This defeat to the Republicans is a great thing, and I want you to understand why. I graduated high school 10 years ago with Bush half way through his first term. I remember the arguments that if we go to war, we’ll go into a major recession and we might not come out of it. I remember Bush’s unpopular spending plans that squandered a $32 Billion surplus. There was color coded fear everyday on the news and thousands of people saying that science shouldn’t be taught in our schools.
We tolerated this line of thinking for eight years. Things got really bad and we kind of came to our senses, for two years. Things didn’t get better with the wave of a hand and we freaked out. We took power away from the Dems and gave a bit of it back to the conservatives. Some of us listened to the idiotic fear monger TEA party activists as if they were experts. After all, if you sound like you know what you’re talking about, you don’t really have to know what you’re talking about. Someone more foolish than you will end up trusting you and following your cause.
Are you ready for the fun part? All of that deep seeded indignant complaining about the women’s rights, and the poor moochers, and those silly gay people that wanted equal rights, well it all back fired. You see, someone forgot to tell the conservatives that if you’re going to try and deny people rights, you need to be sure they don’t have the right to vote first. Now, they’re scattered and scared not sure what to do about the future. And I think that’s wonderful.
It’s great because this means we can expect to see a kinder, gentler oppression machine in the next election. Sure they’ll try to pass laws that limit change and restrict rights, but it’ll be on obscure things like limiting governmental restrictions on building moon cities. They’ll cross the street and join us in making fun of the TEA party. Sure, they’ll tell us how they’ve hated those guys since the beginning, but you just got to take what you can get. Hopefully they’ll give up on their dream of destroying the Affordable Care Act, but I’m sure they’ll keep trying to kill Big Bird.
This isn’t going to be the start of a brave new world, I’m not that naïve, I just wanted to give you all a glimpse into what this meant for me, and what I see coming. I also want you to realize the craziness that we’ve lived through, it all happened so fast you may have missed it. And, if you voted for Romney, I just wanted to say “you’re welcome.” You almost did something incredibly foolish. Unless of course you make millions of dollars a year, cause man, that was probably going to work out great for you. I think those are the only people who have a right to be scared now. Because, if you’ve been doing well the past decade with the Bush Tax Cuts, and the corporate welfare programs, I think it’s safe to say that the tea party is over, get back to work.

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