Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sexual Assault? Brady Has Answers.

                                          Sexual Assault? Brady Has Answers.
                                                     By: Neil Ralph

 This week, I went to the Brady Health Center on campus to learn more about sexual assault. Given the information I received, I developed a Q&A.

Q: What is Sexual Assault?

A: Sexual assault is a crime that includes various forms of unwanted sexual acts.

Q: What are some examples of sexual assault?

A: Sexual assault includes any form of unwanted sexual intercourse (rape). Sexual assault may be accomplished by threats of harm as well.

Q: What do you do if you are sexually assaulted?

A: - Go to a safe place. -Preserve all evidence (do not shower). - Keep yourself warm by using a blanket or a coat. - Call someone you trust such as a friend or family member. -Even though reporting it is not required, it is still recommended.

Q: What do you do if you have a friend who has been sexually assaulted?
A: When put in this situation, it is best  to remain calm; do not show signs of anger or shock. As always, offer your friend support and let them express their feelings. Suggest your friend to seek counseling, but maintain confidentiality. It is not your experience to share; it is theirs.

Q: How can I seek more information and assistance on sexual assault?

A: Contact the Brady Health Center  (301) 687-4310 or Counseling Psychological Services (301) 687-4234.

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