Thursday, November 29, 2012

RFID chips...The END?

Religion is a subject that many people don’t talk about for various reasons. For some people, religion and their beliefs are something that they consider sacred. For others, religion represents hurt because of bad past experiences. For me, I don’t believe in religion. I am a follower of the Lord and Son of GOD, Jesus Christ. I have seen many things that people do not believe in, and a few things that have expanded my mind. I have dealt with demon possessed people, I have seen and experienced miracles, I have been in “haunted” houses, heard growling in empty rooms, and seen a demon. I don’t say these things to brag. I say them only to preface my blog. For the next few weeks, I promise to bring you things that you don’t believe in a way that is non-threatening and non-eccentric. Ladies and gentlemen welcome to “The Other Side

This week’s issue is about the RFID chips….the possible “mark of the beast”….

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads”- Revelations 13:16

Marked with the sign of the beast, or in this case RFID chips, students in the Northside Independent School District of San Antonio Texas have now started carrying RFID chip-embedded ID cards on them at all times as a requirement. The school district believes that the chips can improve revenue. The school district thrives off of state funds, and the state allots more money to school districts with higher attendance levels. The school district spent 261 thousand dollars to pay for the ID technology. The school district hopes to make 1.7 million dollars from the technology. This technology is used to make thing easy and more streamlined. The school district has tied a lot of things to these cards. They not only identify where a student is at, they also are their meal card, access card to the building, homecoming king and queen voting pass, and they have a number of other uses.

These cards have been viewed throughout many Christian churches as the mark of the beast. Many Christians fear that eventually these cards would be required to be carried by all citizens. Revelations warns that this is one of the signs of the end of the world. There have been an influx of natural disasters, killings, and the world has become more perverse over the years. Not to be cliché’, we are truly living in the last days.   
For more information on RFID chips follow the hyperlink. 

I encourage you all to start doing your research. 

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