Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Arts & Entertainment

Hey, all. I'm Kirk Bigsby, and I'll be blogging my beat of "Arts and Entertainment", which seems to me to be an absurdly broad subject matter, but hey: I'm not going to complain about a wealth of topics and an excuse to ramble on about my various passions.

And make no mistake, this is a diverse field. When I first arrived to Frostburg and inquired about what people did for fun around here, I was told: "Well, we've got a Super-Walmart." Since then, I've learned there's actually a surprising amount of events going on to divert yourself for a Friday evening. I've also noticed a surprising lack of audience for most of them. Hopefully, this blog'll be able to enlighten folk about the opportunities around them, and highlight some great artists who are woefully lacking in attention.

Art! Theatre! Literature! I didn't just put you to sleep, did I? If not, feel free to follow along as I explore the creative side of Frostburg.

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