Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Finding Our Money

Why hello there. I'm Kyle Raios. You may remember the old Troy Mcclure "Simpsons" reference I'm trying to make. But I digress.
This semester, I'm going to take a look into our fees, tuition, and room & board costs.
Now, I know what you're thinking. "Ah crap, another guy b******* about his money. Just get over it already." Well I'm not that guy, and I'm not going to be. What I will be doing is an investigation into how much we're paying, and where that money is going.
I'm a socialist guys. Take my money, and use it to ensure everyone gets equality.
We renovate the Lane Center, and go to knock down and rebuild Tawes Hall. Why did we start with Lane, how much did it cost, and where did we get the money? Does Tawes need rebuilding? Absolutely. So why start with a recreation center that also houses offices? Why not start with a building that facilitates academic learning - the main point for a university. I just want to take a look into what's going on with our money. It could be great. Could be terrible. Could be "eh."
Don't know yet.
I actually ran into something that caught me off guard yesterday. As President of our History honors society, Phi Alpha Theta, I went to Residence Life to have copies of a poster for an upcoming movie night put in the eleven residence halls. I only had two copies on me, hoping Res. Life could make copies for us, stamp them, and place them around. Of that latter two, they were willing.
But copies? Nope. Their response? "It's our paper."
Frostburg State University Maryland Resident Room and Board - $8752 (annual)
Room costs range from - $1832 - $2592 (per semester)
I think they may be able to afford to make copies for us. But hey, Residence Life is just another business, right? They're not a service by any means...
Now, I'm really not complaining because I was frustrated at their response, or that I didn't want to make the copies myself. But it's the principle of the matter. They are a part of a larger educational service. We're trying to do an event for other students.
Just saying.
"It's our paper." -- Yeah, it is.

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