Friday, September 30, 2011

As it turns out...

...people either don't seem to know where their money is going, or really care. So I'll try to clear some things up near the end of this post, and bring some information to light.

Of course, there are some exceptions to this, and such is the case of Krystal Hershaw, a Baltimore native studying accounting.
When asked if the fees we as students pay could be put to something different, not yet funded, she replied "Not so far this year. But last year I wish they would have fully paid the CPR training. It was only free if you lived on campus."
Others find the money is going to the right places.
" Yeah, it [Lane Center] was a good place to start," said Michael Ladford, an Information Technology major from Waldorf. "Not only is food there, but a new computer lab, entertainment center."
Some, like Chemistry major Jesse Henderson, find the fees to be completely fair. "Not too much at all," he said. - Here is a link to the posted budget, both income and expenses, for Frostburg in the 2011-12 Academic year. You'll notice our tuition and fees take up 31.92%, second only to State Appropriations at 32.55%. The total revenue comes out at $102, 360, 000 - quite a sum, but maybe not when compared to other universities.

What really jumped out was the "Restricted" section, funds regulated to a specific, per-agreed upon stipulation. These restricted funds constitute 12.57% of the budget. So what are these funds, and where do they come from? Hopefully, I'll know soon.

You'll also notice below, the outline of costs and construction dates relating to Lane Center. Thought this might be interesting.

Lane Center
Design Start June 2008
Construction Start September 2009
Close Building December 2009
Construction Complete December 2010
FY2008 Planning $1,450,000
FY2009 Renovation/Construction $18,000,000
FY2011 Equipment $2,000,000
Total Budget $21,450,00

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