Friday, October 12, 2012

Frostburg Freshmen Feature of the Week: 10/8/12-10/12/12

Effective Study Habits, Tried & True From Us To You
By Scott McDonough, ENGL 490

In college, study habits can either make or break your grade. For many FSU freshmen, the necessity to develop effective study habits in the transition from high school to college comes as a shock. “From high school to here, it’s like Boom! Suddenly, you have to study,” remarks FSU freshman, Natalie Hall. Fortunately, the upperclassmen have done it before and we’re giving the best of our knowledge to you.

“Location Is Everything!” advises Mike Kelly, an FSU senior majoring in political science. Ideally, you should find an area that is quiet, well-lit, and comfortable like the 24 hour computer lab in Dunkle Hall or the Lewis J. Ort Library. Just find a place that offers ample room to comfortably spread out and access your study materials. Most importantly, an effective study area will be free of distractions.

As a new Frostburg student, you have a multitude of different resources to help you study. So why not put those FSU resources to good use? Using multiple resources to study is always more effective than using any single method. In fact, use any resource available to help you understand your study material more effectively. Student and Education Services offers plenty of ways to help you develop good study habits.  

It is inevitable that you will have plenty of stressful nights studying for several hours straight but  Emily Kay, a junior whose study habits help her maintain a 3.5 grade point average, remembers to add that rest is equally as important as study time. “I usually take a walk, go to the cafeteria or Lane, or take a nap” she says. “It clears mind and I’m refreshed when I come back.” However, keep your break time to a minimum or it may become distraction and you’ll end up procrastinating. Break time is a good time; just make sure it stays much shorter than study time.

There it is, three tried and true ways to study more effectively which have helped many a Frostburg student get a better grade, and if you’re a Frostburg freshman, you’d be wise to listen to those Frostburg students who came before.

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