Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Halloween is approaching fast for the students of Frostburg. It is a event that many participate in by partying, dressing up, and giving out candy. I was able to talk to three students from Frostburg who told me about their plans.

Madison Martin, a senior mass communications major, said that she will probably go out with some of her friends to celebrate the event. She has her costume all planned out too, as she is going to be Tom Cruise from the movie Risky Business. She did not hold back when talking about her favorite part of Halloween, "The excessive amounts of candy I can eat and not feel bad about it."

Erica Johnson, a senior education major, said that she has no plans because she has to work saferide, but that if she does go out her costume will be "self-made." Her favorite part of Halloween is dressing up and eating candy.

Rachel Farris, a sophomore english major, will be going with the flow this weekend as she said, "I am still not sure what I will do yet." She has her costume all picked out though, as she plans to be the queen of hearts. Her favorite part of the holiday is trick-or-treating.

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