Sunday, December 11, 2011

Who is SGA?

After talking to Frostburg State University (FSU) students earlier this semester, it became apparent that the Student Government Association (SGA) lacks promotion.  Many students do not know what SGA controls across our campus.
Frostburg's SGA has two branches (the Executive Council and the Senate) which represent all FSU students.  Their organization website states:
"The SGA develops and administers student self-government policies, provides many services to students, communicates with faculty and administration and decides how the student activity fees will be spent. Students from all undergraduate classes are encouraged to run for office in SGA and participate in shaping the future of the University."
According to SGA's Constitution and Bylaws, the functions of SGA include:

1. To express constituents' opinions on university affairs as the Student Senate deems appropriate and necessary.

2. To budget and allocate the student activity fee.

3. To appoint students to university committees as required.

4. To develop and coordinate services and activities for the benefit of the student body.

5. To facilitate cooperation and communication among students, faculty members, administrators and others.

6. To help create and maintain a university environment conducive to the richest growth of scholarship, learning, teaching, research, service and respect for others.

7. To ensure the rights and responsibilities of students in accordance with the “University Standards of Personal and Group Conduct” as set forth in the student handbook THE PATHFINDER.
Students are encouraged to submit questions and concerns to SGA via their website.

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