Monday, November 5, 2012

Obama vs Romney: FSU Edition

The upcoming election seems to be an important one for college students. The issues of healthcare, education, and marriage equality are on the minds of young voters on electing President Barack Obama or Govern Mitt Romney. Frostburg students share their views on who they are voting for.
A.J Carney, current freshmen at FSU said she’s voting this election and her vote will be going to President Obama. I asked her why she’s voting for him, she said “I greatly dislike Romney. He doesn’t understand the struggle that many of us go through.” She continued saying “WIC helped my family a lot, my mom had three jobs and that program was helpful.” A.J also said that if Romney had rags to riches story she would probably like him.
Alicia Williams, junior at Frostburg did not fill out her absentee ballot but shared her election views. “If I was going to vote it would of definitely been Obama.” I asked her why she would vote for his reelection she said “He’s helping with forming an Education plan and that’s the profession I’m going into.” She continued “Romney doesn’t care about the education of this country.” I also asked Alicia if there were any other reasons for not choosing Romney she said “Romney isn’t pro-choice and I am.”
Frostburg student, Sarah Kuczinski will not be able to vote this election due to her absentee ballot not coming in the mail on time. I asked Sarah who would she vote for and she said she was an undecided voter. “I like views on both sides but not entirely.” She continued “I would lean towards Obama because he’s for marriage equality.” I asked her what she liked about Romney she said “His health care plan because Obamacare will not work.” I also asked Sarah what she did not like about both candidates she said “Romney seems like a jerk as well as being small minded. And Obama has socialist views that aren’t best for this country.” 

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