Friday, October 26, 2012

Who doesn't like free Stuff?!

In college one of the most exciting things that can happen to you is receiving a package in the mail. One of my friends was notorious for ALWAYS having a package every single day, and I have to admit I was jealous. So one day I finally asked who she received all of these packages from and she told me they were free samples she had gotten for free online. Intrigued I asked her how she got them and she referred me to I went on as soon as I got home that day and was amazed! Basically, it is a database for companies trying to promote their items by giving away free samples.

The website is very basic and easy to use, it’s simply a list of different offers and you click on a link that takes you to the site where you can enter your address and receive your free sample. I’ve used this website countless times and have received a wide range of things from dryer sheets to a pizza cutter.

There are a number of other websites that you can use to receive free samples, but this one is the easiest to use, in my opinion.

So go get your free stuff!!

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