Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sad Day in the Sanctuary

Religion is a subject that many people don’t talk about for various reasons. For some people, religion and their beliefs are something that they consider sacred. For others, religion represents hurt because of bad past experiences. For me, I don’t believe in religion. I am a follower of the Lord and Son of GOD, Jesus Christ. I have seen many things that people do not believe in, and a few things that have expanded my mind. I have dealt with demon possessed people, I have seen and experienced miracles, I have been in “haunted” houses, heard growling in empty rooms, and seen a demon. I don’t say these things to brag. I say them only to preface my blog. For the next few weeks, I promise to bring you things that you don’t believe in a way that is non-threatening and non-eccentric. Ladies and gentlemen welcome to “The Other Side”

Again, I’ve ran into scheduling issues with my expert on exorcism, a local pastor. This week I’ll be reporting on the unbelievable murder that took place in Creflo Dollar’s Life Changers Church in Atlanta,Georgia.

These days, it’s not even safe in church. Can you imagine being in prayer and getting shot dead? In your most intimate moment, in a place of peace, you get gunned down. Sadly, this scenario happened at Creflo Dollar’s World Changers Church on Wednesday, October 24, 2012. At 10:30, Wednesday morning, 52 year old Floyd Palmer allegedly walked into Mr. Dollar’s church and shot 39 year old Greg McDowell, a volunteer staff member and lead- worshipper/leader of prayer service, dead.  One bullet wasn’t enough. Mr. Palmer allegedly shot Greg six times. Mr. Palmer was a former maintenance staff employee at the church. He resigned in August for “personal reasons”. Unfortunately, this isn’t his first time Palmer has been in legal trouble. He was charged in Baltimore in 2001 with murder, assault, and handgun charges. He was even committed to a psychiatric hospital in 2004.  He opened fire with 20 people in the sanctuary, and walked out of the church as calmly as when he arrived. He was later arrested at Lenox Square mall in Atlanta.
A lot of questions come to my mind when I read this story. How does a man who has a record of mental instability pass a background check? How does this same man get a handgun? What honestly happened between Mr. Palmer and Mr. McDowell for this unfortunate loss to ensue? I hope and pray that the McDowell family is being supported, and that Mr. Palmer has a repentant heart. I also pray that this doesn’t spawn copycat murders! 

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