Friday, October 19, 2012

Worlds Most Amazing Places

Worlds Most Amazing Places
By: Caitlin Megonigal

            So my past post have been how-to’s but the other day I was on Pinterest and I came across a photo of the Isle of Skye in Scotland. This place is the most beautiful and magical place I have ever seen. Just picture a perfectly blue river running through a canyon and all along the canyon there are purple flowers everywhere! This gave me the idea to blog about places that everybody should get the chance to visit at least once, some of the most magical places in the world.

1.     The Montana Magica Lodge, this lodge located on the Huilo-Huilo biological reserve in the heart of the Patagonia rainforest (Chile). This magical place looks like it came right out of Lord of the Rings. The lodge itself is actually a domant volcano covered in plants with pure water running down over it. The lodge services include a playroom for children, mini golf, reading room, a restaurant, bar, laundry services, sauna, and tubs in ancient trunks with naturally heated water!

2.     Greece, Santorini is a beautiful town with stark white buildings with blue accents right     on the coast of Aegean Sea. Santorini is all that is left after a volcanic eruption (Minoan eruption) that destroyed the earliest settlements there, some 3600 years ago.  WEBSITE:

3.     Plitvice Waterfalls located in Plitvicka Jezera, Croatia is breathtakingly, beautiful natural display of water and nature in harmony. This park is the oldest national park in Southeast Europe and was added to the UNESCO World Heritage register in 1979. The national park is most famous for its lakes, which are arranged in cascades. A total of 16 lakes can be seen from the surface!                                                                           WEBSITE:

4.     The Redwoods National Park in Northern California are some of the most majestic forests in the world. The giant Sequoias, which are one of the subfamily of redwoods found in California, hold the record for tallest and largest trees in the world! Prairie Creek State Park is a great park to go to see some of these giants.                    

5.     The Giant’s Causeway located on the northeast coast of Northern Ireland is an area containing about 40,000 interlocking basalt columns that are the result of an ancient volcanic eruption. It was declared a World Heritage Site in 1986 and in 1987 the Department of Environment for Northern Ireland declared it a National Nature Reserve.                                                                                                               WEBSITE:

6.     Las Cavernas de Marmol (The Marble Caverns) in Chile is definitely something to see. The caves are formed of pure marble and reflect the blue waters of the General Carrera Lake.                                                                                                                                                          WEBSITE:

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