Friday, October 12, 2012

There is No Biz, Like Show-biz: A follow-up on the cast of Angels In America at FSU

The classic adage "there is no biz like show-biz," has shown its truth to the cast of Angels In America. FSU's Angels entered week two of the show's run last night. Needless to say, entertainment never sleeps.

The cast and crew began construction on this project long before it premiered. Auditions were held in late April during the previous semester. After the cast was chosen, they were called in the following week to have their first read-through (a reading of the script). School adjourned for summer break as did rehearsals according to University rules. However, on August 29, 2012 (the first day of classes), the cast and crew got right back to work! The cast has been going strong since that day, engaging in at least five, three and a half hour rehearsals a week.

Picture: Cast member Jordan Kline (who was placed on vocal rest) hugs pregnant Stage Manager Rachael Sommerkamp and actress Nora Grider for support for the tasks ahead.

The time demands of a show do not become strenuous until you incorporate the rest of your life. Most of the cast is managing about five classes, one or two more productions,
vocal lessons, and of course performing every night. After most of the performances the cast holds a talk-back session with the audience. The cast does not leave the Performing Arts Center until about 11:30 p.m. Afterwards, the cast and crew quickly decompress to prepare for the next set of shows (often the next day).

During the week the students juggle mandatory auditions, homework, classwork (including trips to WFWM radio station to record greetings and "info-mercials"), and for some cast and crew members, jobs. This rigorous schedule is beginning to take a toll on the students. Cast member Shahzeb Hussain said, "I haven't eaten anything healthy in a long time," simply because he has not had the chance to prepare a nutritious meal. "I do not remember the last time I went to the gym," states Scott Turner, who used to routinely exercise nearly everyday.

Actors and crew members cram in homework backstage during scenes.

I feel the negative physical and mental effects of this schedule as well. My legs feel numb and my brain has been farting for quite some time now. I barely remember sleeping and long for a day off. The highlight of my last two weeks was a cup of hot cocoa I enjoyed last night after a show.

Us thespians know that we do not have to live like this. So why do we? Because we love it. The stage is another type of home for the cast and crew. It is where we all feel comfortable. The cast would agree to the statement: I'd do whatever it takes to be on stage forever.

If you have not gone to enjoy FSU's Angels In America, there are two more shows left:
Friday, October 12th at 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, October 13th at 7:30 p.m.

Make sure you plan ahead. Last night, the show sold out and went SRO (standing room only). Bravo to the cast and crew!

FSU's Got Talent!
Singer Jordan Kline
Choreographer/Dancer Dana Harrison
Fall Dance Concert Promo: Dance Company

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