Friday, October 26, 2012

FSU Graduates Tend to Drink Less Than Current Students

Many Frostburg students drink alcohol on a fairly regular basis. Do most FSU students carry on this habit after graduation? According to most of the graduates I spoke with, the answer is no. Christine Barry, who graduated this past May with a Psychology degree told me that since graduating, she drinks very little. In fact, she noted that the only time she really drinks now is when she is visiting friends at Frostburg. Michael (who asked his last name be withheld), who graduated in Spring 2011, stated that since graduating, he drinks about half of the amount he did as a student.

David, who also asked that his last name be withheld, graduated this past Spring with a Law and Society degree. He tells me that he drinks about the same amount that he did as a student. "It's not as easy to go out and drink at home as it was in Frostburg," he said. "In Frostburg I can walk for five minutes and be at a bar or a liquor store." He also mentioned that now, he prefers to go to the bar after work with his coworkers or with friends on the weekends. "While I still drink pretty often, I try to have a reason to go out. At Frostburg, I just went out all the time, no matter what," he said.

Based on what I have learned from this story and my past story, it seems that something about Frostburg just makes people drink more alcohol.

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