Thursday, October 25, 2012

Shopaholic in Denial?

We all have bad days and some of us enjoy a bath or a work out or treat ourselves with luxuries as a way to distress from the pressures of reality. Unfortunately, some take these indulgences to a whole new level where it gives a sense of a high and relief.
Frostburg student, Cheyenne is like all of us trying to make it through this long semester with her head above the water. When times get difficult with managing school, social life and family and not all things falling into place the way she plans. She finds solitude in excessive shopping. “I don’t care how much money I spend. If I’m having a terrible day I will go shopping to feel better” said the twenty year old shopaholic.
Her spending habit is so server that her mother had to put her on a budget and give her an allowance to manage her shopping. “After my birthday this past August I spent over $200 on myself and my mom was furious with me.” I asked her to describe the feeling of shopping when she has a rough day she said “I get extremely happy, the feeling of swiping my card is like an automatic adrenaline rush.” She continued saying “If I don’t have money after using my allowance then I’ll ask my family to send me money.”
Cheyenne thinks that her excessive shopping is not as bad as her family and friends think. “I think people exaggerate my habit. It’s not that horrible because I know when to stop.” I asked her would she consider a different outlet to distress, she said “Nothing is as satisfying as spending money on a bad day.” 

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