Friday, October 19, 2012

Landlord Problems

Earlier this week there was some construction going on outside of my apartment.  I had no idea what they were doing until I actually went outside.  The point of this story is that there was no water in my building or the surrounding buildings.  This was very inconvenient and unexpected.  Although I had showered the night before, my roommate had to do without and we had to brush our teeth with a bottle of water.  Because of this water problem, I called my landlords to find out what was going on and why no one prepared us for this unfortunate disturbance.  There was no answer!  I was highly upset because this isn’t the first time they didn’t respond, but this was a time when I needed them immediately.  This all happened on Monday, October 15.  I didn’t receive a call back until the next day.  That’s just unacceptable!  I didn’t even respond to the call because by then, the water was back on and I no longer needed to speak with them.  This is just one example of unprofessional landlords. 

Landlords aren’t all bad.  I spoke with FSU senior Ashley Morgan, and she told me about a time when her landlord was there for her when she needed him the most.  She said that one morning she woke up and her toilet was clogged.  She didn’t know why it was clogged but no matter what she did, she couldn’t unclog it.  When she called her landlord, he came right over.  He took a look at the toilet and called a plumber immediately.  Her plumbing was fixed in no time.  If all landlords were more like this, there would be less problems.      

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