Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Halloween Plans

Many students are excited for Halloween. Since most are now considered too old to trick-or-treat most people use this holiday as an excuse to dress up and party. Three students were asked these three questions: What are you doing for Halloween? What is your favorite part? And what is your costume? The responses varied but all had one thing in common, dressing up and drinking!

Perry Hall resident and veterinary technician, Danielle Schuler said, "I plan to bar hop this year in Fells Point, my favorite part is being able to wear all my fancy clothes, I'm pretty sure I'm being a pirate this year." She continued to say Halloween is also an excuse to cosplay costumes she already has for Otakon.

Inka Savolainen, a Finnish girl currently living in Finland doesn't celebrate Halloween over there. When asked to describe what she would do if she were in the states she thought hard. Her response was, "Favorite part? I’ll say trick or treating with kids. I guess a party would be the plan if I was to celebrate Halloween. I’ll say id dress up as a cop because I can’t think of anything else." Inka also said she wishes she were back in the states to celebrate this holiday.

English major, Tiffani Apryl Paolucci, said, "I'm going to be in the burg friday, but I'm Towson to party for halloween, and I'm going to be a kitty kat lol and my favorite part is eating massive amounts of chocolate." Her excitement towards Halloween is one shared by many students. Even if a person is in college, they are never too old to dress up and celebrate.

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