Tuesday, October 18, 2011

This weekend I made chocolate chip cookies, a dessert loved my most people. They are an easy to make dessert food that tastes drastically better than any store bought chocolate chip cookies. When making homemade cookies, it is best to learn about what each ingredient does in the baking process, and to then experiment to create a personal version of the recipe. For chocolate chip cookies I used the following ingredients and measurements:
· 2 sticks of butter
· ¾ cup of sugar
· ¾ cup of brown sugar
· 2 and ¼ cups of flour
· 2 eggs
· 1 teaspoon of salt
· 2 teaspoons of baking soda
· 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
· A bag of chocolate chips
The result of the cookies that I made was soft and chewy but light enough that they were not overly rich. I followed my mother’s homemade recipe for her chocolate chip cookies, however, I varied slightly by adding more vanilla extract and baking soda than it called for. This caused the cookies to taste sweeter and seemed to make them to melt in your mouth. I also added less salt than my mother’s recipe, simply because I’m just not a big fan of salt!

Picture source: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1254/1346325161_89f2a02bd7.jpg

1 comment:

  1. Jukka, you left out the part of the recipe in which you tell us what to do with these ingredients! Also, how many cookies does it make?

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