Friday, October 14, 2011

Frostburg Historic District

While walking down Frost ave one day I started to notice a change of scenery. There was no college students smoking on the front step, no Greek letters hanging in the windows,  no cars with monster energy drink logos on them, or even a house with a poorly kept yard. Instead of the usual white concrete side walks or black tar streets the side walks and streets were now made of attractive brown brick that brought an elegance and maturity to the street separates it from the surrounding.  It almost felt like an escape from the usual Frostburg. 

I felt like a tourist walking through a new town exploring its wonders and in amaze at how well the residence took care of their homes and yards. 

Houses in Frostburg look old on every street. everywhere you walk in Frostburg you are reminded that there are many stories with these houses, streets, and businesses.  But there was something different about the Historic District.

The houses Frost ave the houses almost demand the respect of never being tagged as old or just a house.  The grass you see growing through the cracks in the brick sidewalk are not seen as sloppy but as part of the sidewalk its self. The tree root tilting the sidewalk and bending the fence is not seen as problem but as a wonder of the nature of the street. 

The Frostburg ave Historic District is a nice change in scenery of what you usually see walking the streets of Frostburg.  It takes you back before house parties, before the college students looking for the house parties, before broken glass everywhere in the street or the beer cans littering the street, it takes you back to the beauty of Frostburg and what it may look like with out the teenage residents that call the city home.


1 comment:

  1. Tilmon, have you read this aloud to yourself? If you did, I bet you would spot a lot of the garbled sentences and other errors, so that you could fix them.
