Monday, October 3, 2011

A students perspective on alcohol

This past weekend I decided to get a students perspective on alcohol here on campus and the drinking age. Samantha Flowers, a senior here at FSU, sat down to talk to me about her thoughts on this subject. She stated, " binge drinking-its real and we have to face it and solve the problem." She continued on to say, " I like that the drinking age in Germany is staggered. When a student is 16, they can only drink beer and wine, and when 18 they can drink everything. I think they should do this in the U.S and be effective if we adjusted the ages to 18 for the beer and wine, and everything 21." Furthermore, "you cannot expect people to not drink when 18 alone at college, with outiside influences such as easy accessiblity, peer pressure, and having friends of age."
My goal this next week to interview proffesional staff and pass out a survey I created to 30 students at random. The questions will include thoughts on drinking age, how much consumed weekly, and age of first drink.

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