Wednesday, October 26, 2011

You're Never too Old for Halloween!

In an interview with three random college students, the participants were all eager to tell about their Halloween plans. The first question asked what their Halloween plans were for this year. Ben Joshua, a junior biology major at University of Maryland, Baltimore County, responded that he was "Going to a party at his friend's house. Oh, and maybe watching movies with this chick. Something spooky or dumb." Lap Nguyen, a senior biology major with a minor in chemistry at Frostburg State University is going to be "volunteering at the Western Maryland Mission of Mercy, a two-day free dental clinic". He also has possible plans of "carving a pumpkin or going to see Paranormal Activity 3". Finally Bobby Croft, a senior art and design major at Frostburg State University is excited to be "going to the BURG Peer Education Network Halloween party that is all based off of a real life version of Clue...minus the murder". He is also going to watch a marathon of movies with his family, the "classic Halloween movies...more psychological thrillers, none of this blood and guts crap".
Next, the students were asked what their costume is going to be for this year. Ben is going as "a random skull-ish person, with a skull hat, bandanna, and jacket". Lap, unfortunately is not going to dress up this year to perform his duties at the dental clinic. He said that "it's just not as much fun when you're an adult and can't go trick or treating". Bobby by far had the most interesting costume idea. His costume will be "a redneck version of Flava Flav"!
Lastly, the interview participants spoke of their favorite aspect to Halloween. Ben stated that, "It's something about the spookiness. It's the one time of the year where it's socially acceptable to be spooky or weird." Lap's favorite part is "seeing all of the children in their costumes". He finds that very cute. Bobby answered that he loves "being able to dress up and act like someone or something else".
So even as college students (and very responsible students, I might add), Halloween is still a very exciting time of the year. Perhaps there will even be some interesting and spooky events on campus this year!

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