Mix the immaturity that comes with age, the freedom of a wild horse, the endless possibilities of life, spells trouble for the college freshman. Drugs and alcohol are among the biggest contributors to the disasters that plague college freshman. College is a place where students come to further their education in hopes are getting a better career, but what is masked from the brochures and websites is the troubles that lie beneath. Alcohol and drugs are common issues that occur in the life of the freshman while they attend college. Top this all off with peer pressure and just wanting to fit in, is the quickest way to meet Lt. Scott Donahue.
Lieutenant Scott Donahue stated” I personally feel freshman are getting a first taste of being away from home and that sense of freedom that most abuse or can’t handle properly. They find themselves in situations where drugs and alcohol are everywhere and peer pressure (wanting to fit in) means everything to them. (Easily influenced)”
Below is a list of complied data from 2008-2010
2008 81 22 103 1043
2009 64 28 94 1041
2010 71 57 128 1033
The numbers tell us that at least 10% of all FSU freshman will be arrested for drug related reasons. This number indicates how many freshman are caught each year but many go undetected. Getting a citation or arrested for alcohol or drugs can be an additional set back. Freshman arrested for drug related reason must pay a fine, attend court, meet with the disciplinary board, and complete an online module. All of which is time consuming and adds another stressor to the already crazy life of a freshman. So is it really worth it?
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