Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Homecoming 2011

Surprisingly Frostburg State's homecoming isn't really exciting to students at the university like previous years. Only one out of three people were excited to talk about homecoming because she actually enjoyed herself. Kristin Brown, a senior Music Performance major with a concentration in Voice from Kensington, Maryland had a great time. She attended the pep rally, football game, and school dance. “My sorority sister won homecoming queen!" Her only suggest for homecoming is to make it more of an accommodations for other students besides Greeks and athletes. Other students didn't feel like homecoming was exciting at all. Jessica Musselman from Libetytown, Maryland didn't participate in homecoming at all because she decided to go home. "I didn't know too much of anything about it". She feels like upper classman who live off campus like herself, don't know anything about homecoming unless they are a part of an on-campus organization. She suggests stopping students on campus and encouraging them to come to the events. Jasmine Lynee, a junior Psychology major at Frostburg believes that it didn't really feel special. "It wasn't one of my favorites." She feels like it didn't start feeling like homecoming until Saturday. She attended the comedy show, football game, and school dance, but she wasn't impressed by any of the events. She suggests promoting more school spirit and having events during the week, which would make it feel more like a homecoming week.

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