Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Halloween :)

Facebook is inevitably a great way to talk to people, but it's amazing how many people suddenly will not comment on your status when you ask them to. I tracked down three Facebook Friends on the chat feature and asked them 3 questions: 1. What are your plans for Halloween? 2. What is your costume? 3. What is your favorite part of Halloween? This is what they had to say:

"I plan on going home for the weekend to my high schools homecoming game. I don't have a costume and my favorite part of halloween is watching scary movies or going out to a halloween party," says Alyssa Orem-major in elementary education at potomac state college.

"I am going to go to a party as Red Riding Hood. My favorite part is eating Candy Corn and seeing the houses decorated. My favorite movie is Hocus Pocus," says Jenny Rosecky- majoring in Computers at ACM.

"I plan on staying at home and watching scary movies. My costume is this year is going to be really good...sweat pants :D My favorite part of halloween are the movie marathons, specifically abc family's showing of hocus pocus," says Brooke Baier- general studies 2011 garrett college.

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