Wednesday, October 26, 2011

How has Academic Advising Helped You?

Rashad Bass, a junior accounting major from Baltimore, MD believes that the academic advising here at Frostburg State University “is very flawed. I have had to change my advisor three times since I have been here and I’m still having problems.” Due to the lack of information provided by his advisors, Bass says that “advising has not been helpful at all. I get more information talking to my friends about classes than I do my advisors.” To solve these problems Bass believes that “Frostburg should not allow professors to be advisors. Sometimes they have too much on their plates and they sometimes neglect their advising duties. There should be a group of advisors who are hand selected and who are qualified to do this job.” When asked the same questions, Berdia Monk, a sophomore music education and mass communications major from Prince Georges County thinks that “the academic advising has been fine since I have been here. My advisor is always there when I need to ask him questions about classes. I think the system we have now is working fine. It might depend on who you talk to but I like it.” Akkiaya Williams, a former Frostburg State University exercise and sports science major who now attends Long Island University knows all about the advising at Frostburg. She states “the advising at Frostburg is horrible. Now that I have transferred I have seen what real advising should be. My advisor was never available because he was always in class. I often had to go to other teachers for advising advice and it shouldn’t be that way.” When asked how we could fix this problem she responded “we should not have teachers being advisors. It doesn’t work. They are always too busy. We should have fulltime advising positions and maybe this will help.”

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