Monday, October 3, 2011

Students Believe in Recycling

Recycling is a great way for us to be efficient with resources and preserve the earth that we live one, rather than continuing to dump trash in landfills. Whether it is plastic or paper, recycling is something that can be done by individuals. Students on Frostburg State's campus and off are able to take matters into their own hands. Most students feel like recycling is something that is good, although not all of those students follow through and recycle.

Kevin Justice is a senior from Seaford, DE who is majoring in business administration. “I think recycling is a great thing,” says Justice. Not only does Justice believe in recycling, but he follows through. He lives in the Edgewood Commons apartments and he and his roommates recycle everything, but they do not have a place to recycle cardboard. That is something that needs to be looked at.

Rachel DeWoody also is a fan of recycling and says, “I wish more people did it.” DeWoody is from Rockville, MD and is a senior majoring in mass communication. Although she recycles when she can, DeWoody believes that when the recycling receptacles are not set out people simply do not think about twice about throwing things that could be recycled in the trash. She simply wishes that more people recycled. There are containers located throughout campus, but they are located only in certain locations. If one does not know exactly where they are, then they would probably be unlikely to recycle.

Personally, my roommate and I do recycle. However, it does take a concentrated effort to follow through and recycle. We live off campus, so to recycle we have to collect all of our recyclables and transport them to campus.

Papers, plastics and aluminum will not recycle themselves. Sometimes it is much easier to throw them away. However if people would like to preserve our earth, recycling is one thing that can be taken on by individual people.

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