Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Halloween in Hagerstown

Halloween is a special time of year where children disappear and ghosts, monsters, and ghouls take their place. However, is Halloween just for these pint size non-human individuals who badger unsuspecting homeowners for free candy or is it for older generations as well?

Victoria Chavez, junior fine arts major at Shepherd University, enjoys Halloween because it’s a holiday where “most of us get together and have a good time. All of our friends are almost never in the same place at the same time. Oh and costumes are fun”. As for what she plans on doing, Victoria replied that she’ll be handing out candy appeasing the aforementioned monsters. She also plans on attending a Halloween party her friend Angel Himes is hosting, dressed in a leopard print skirt. When asked what the skirt represents, she replied that she had no idea and that she just wants to wear a cool skirt.

Angel Himes, sophomore at Hagerstown Community College, agreed with Victoria’s favorite part of Halloween but added that dressing up with family and friends is more important than just seeing friends and family. As for what she’ll be doing for Halloween, she will be hosting her “annual Halloween party dressed up as a masquerade butterfly”. Being a very creative person, Angel’s parties embody American Halloween traditions with decorations such as chains and skeletons and mood music such as classic horror songs.

Calvin Andrukat, incoming junior at Shepard University, is excited for Halloween because he gets to dress up. Though he is a friend of Victoria and Angel he won’t be going to Angel’s party but instead plans on spending time with his friend Paige. This night does include a pirate costume.

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